About the project

 One of the main aims in the work of pre-school institutions is to preserve and  develop pre-school childrens health. Physical health of the pre-school aged children is directly connected to their mental health, worldview , psychological development and readiness for school. There are five elements that a person needs to remain healthy and well-functioning – healthy food , physical activities, mental well-being  and also therapeutical  features of water and herbs.

 The project “Children health improvement by integrating 5 elements of S. Kneipp philosophy ” would allow us to improve health and physical well-being of pre-school children and their parents and our co-operating institutions. Aims of the project will be featured in several activities. During the project special attention will be drawn to healthy food, mental temper, physical activities, psychological developing and enviroment considering every childs individuality and needs depending on their age. The project will closely co-operate with children’s parents through  several activities that are related to healthy ways of life and healthy enviroment. Natural enviroment and its goods will be used to help to develop healthy way of life  and mental abilities of the pre-school children.

 There will be lots of  indoor and outdoor activities that will feature fresh air and nature. Children will learn national tradions  through all sorts of dances , games etc. and that will encourage physical acitivies. This would allow children to systematically develop healthy way of living, mental well-being and interest for  physical acitivties.

 We developed a plan for two years that closely conducts with our learning-programmes and  philosophy of the five elements as they are handled by S.Kneipp.

 Evaluation and monitoring of the program is the central aim of the program and will be carried out constantly. Monitoring and evaluating the program will give us possibility to adjust and control the programme effectiveness and also promote it amongst other pre-school institutions. The control and evaluation of the programs effectiveness will be carried out constantly to  promoting  the results. 

Aims and contribution
Our goal is to help implement a healthy lifestyle for the pupils even in pre-school, involving their families. The biggest attention will be paid to health of children and adult, promotion of healthy lifestyles. We will work towards a clear profile when it comes to interest of sport, healthy food, emotional games, tempering, herbal therapies in all our partner schools. When this project is over, we will achieve an establishment of specific procedures and routines which will be a part of different planning framework in all participating institutions.

All institutions have secured that the project ideas and activities can be clearly justified in national curricula. We find parts of the project topics in many subjects, and it is also an outspoken part of the planning frame work of the after kindergarten care units that are represented. Different subjects emphasize the importance of physical activity; we find aspects of the project topic in our activity. The participating institutions find that the project topics correspond with basic values of the national educational systems, and an important aim is to share and spread good pedagogical practices between the participanting schools, especially practices which increase “learning by doing” and encourage children to seek an active lifestyle. The pupils and parents will play, act and take part in project activities by themselves, and will adopt the project aims by experiencing for themselves.
The project goes deep into cross curricular themes such as growth as a person, cultural identity and internationalism, communication and media skills, responsibility for the environment, well- being and sustainable future. All partners work according to both the national curricula, as stated above, and by implementing the project in the different subjects through the year plans.

The management of all institutions will support the project by being an active part in some of the institutions, or by both giving their approvals and facilitate for their staff to take part in visits, and being hosts when applicable. The project is deeply anchored in the management of all participating institutions. 

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